This kit enables you to produce complex shooting behaviors with very little effort. It comes with lots of components to create graphical effects, destructible terrain, parallax effects and much more. Simplifies and controls bullet cool-downs, fire patterns, collisions and makes these features easily configurable. It has an action camera system to make your game have a high quality look and feel. The kit showcases two distinctly different types of game
and comes with a big selection of example of and tutorial scenes that show you how to create cool effects for your game.
Bullet Management
- Assign guns to multiple fire points
- Control fire patterns
- Easy bullet creation
- Cool-down manager.
- Extremely flexible weapon configuration
- Destructible object configuration
Game Flow
- Level controller
- Simple spawner system
- Lives
- Basic shooter ruleset
- Tactical shooter ruleset (shields armor hp, cooldowns, multiple weapons!)
- AI scripts
Graphic effects
- Action Camera - with effects
- hit flash effects
- Destructible asteroids and debris
- Weapon muzzle and hit particle effects