Version 2.0 released!
Advanced CSV Engine is the perfect solution for CSV users. It provides you with useful features including class mapping, type converting, custom type converter implementing, file encoding formats converting and CSV to c# class generating. All you need to do is to map the data class(data structure of row), then you can get the right data from target CSV file with a single line of code. No more annoying loop-parsing and type-converting.
• Following system types are supported:
bool, byte, char, DateTime, decimal, double, short, int, long, sbyte, float, string, ushort, uint, ulong, enum
• Following advanced types(custom converters) are already implemented:
√ .NET types: Array(T[]), List, Dictionary
√ Unity types: Color, Rect, Vector2, Vector3
• Public and Non-Public members mapping.
• Attributes mapping or runtime mapping(version 2.0 new feature).
• 3 mapping styles.
• Global converters, delegate converters and in-class converters.
• Row skipping.
• Generic data types.
• Super-friendly CSV to C# class generator(version 2.0 new feature).
• Text file encoding format converter.
• Texture2D to Base64String converter.
• 6 Tutorial scenes to cover the basic usage.
• Detailed online API documentation with examples.
Online API Documentation & Support: www.seanz.me
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