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New version 1.2: Added free background space skybox
This asset uses a procedural particle shader to generate crisp starfields in 3D, without textures.
The star particle shader is custom-made so that even the most distant stars render at least as one pixel. The stars can be tuned in many ways: glow size, intensity, color, visibility in the distance, alpha, core size, etc..
Three examples included (demo):
- Background starfield,
- Infinite starfield effect,
- Interactive 3D star map.
- Live preview starfields in editor mode
- Lots of tweaking options (check video)
- Star scintillation (optional)
- No textures involved - looks clean at any distance
- 1 draw call per starfield
- Can be combined with space skyboxes to give the best results
- Linear and Gamma versions available
3D Starfields is not recommended for mobile devices due to the inferior performance of mobile GPUs.