Modular dual or single pump with pipes, valves, gauges, tanks. Animated or static motor shafts, animated gauges, animated or static valves, pipe elbows 90 & 45 degree, adjustable and fixed pipe lengths, 4way (cross) pipe, 3 way T pipe, flanges , bolt sets, ceiling and wall hangars.
All parts can be rescaled up or down except for the fixed pipes have to be done in 3 axis. (or else they wont fit anymore).
Complete dual pump is ~ 11,000 poly and 14,000 with pipe bolts applied, other configurations are less .
Tanks are ~ 3,000 poly each
Uses standard Unity 5 shader with 2048x2048 color and normal textures. Should be easy to recolor. Comes with most pipe prefab parts in black, red, blue, yellow.
Modeled on 1m grid y up exported at full scale.
Mesh pivots are centered.
These meshes are not grid drop in friendly.
These meshes were designed to allow the user the maximum flexibility while building their
creations. In other words you can build just about any shape and length, and somewhat size of
piping ,but you are going to need to adjust things to fit. These parts fit together while using the
"V" key in move mode, by selecting the vertice you want to align to another part. This can be a
bit fiddly and time consuming at times.
Web Demo available Web Demo
More information and User Guide available Pinknail.ca unity page