This asset allows you to have all of your basic menu screens for your game ready by just adding images, sounds and text to them. All the logic to navigate them, play music, sounds, and quit are already in place.
The Options screen works with a GameConfig class that will hold values for your volume ratio sliders (sounds, music and speech) and help tips toggle. Then you can use those values for your game.
The title comes with an animation that changes it color, but you can add more things to it as needed.
The navigation of these screens is compatible with PC (mouse, keyboard, even gamepad) and mobile (Android, Iphone). It also supports all known landscape aspect ratios (5:4, 4:3, 16:9, 16:10, 3:2).
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Sack,Handheld graphics by Freepik from Flaticon are licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker