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This template will help you to create exciting guess the picture game without any programming skills. You just need to come up with your own puzzles and adjust the levels. Setting levels will not take much of your time, it is simple and convenient. If you still have trouble, you can always contact us at support@goldeneternitystudio.com and we will help you. It is important to note that a game of this genre have their own category in Google Play, and is very popular among the British, Americans and Canadians.
Monetization strategy
- Displaying interstitial ad (you can easily customize when to show ads)
- Displaying banner advertising (you can easily customize when and where to show your ads)
Key Features
- Intuitive interface
- Easy of advertising setup (admob)
- Mobile friendly
- Free oncoming updates
- Unity ads
- Ready to publish
Our another assets:
- shooter skills icon pack
- word search template
- hidden object template
- gravity runner template
- color zigzag template