Reduced price while in beta!
About 8% of men and 0.5% of women are affected by color blindness.
Can they play your game?
What tweaks are needed so they can?
With xCBM it is very easy to preview your game with different types of color blindness and make the necessary changes.
Don't limit your audience!
Everyone should be able to play your game!
- Simulate all relevant types of color blindness (in Edit, Pause and Play mode)*
- See how gameplay is affected
- Quickly identify and fix issues
- Reach more players
- Save time and trouble while developing
- Will pay off soon
- No or minimal coding required
- Full source code access (C#)
- Supports Unity 5.x*
More features planned...
More info:
Forum |
User Guide
Take also a look at:
xARM: Aspect and Resolution Master
*Simulated color blindness types: protanopia, protanomaly, deuteranopia, deuteranomaly, tritanopia, tritanomaly, achromatopsia, achromatomaly
*Note: Currently xCBM's support of Unity v5.4.0 is limited. More info