Pistol Starter
A Subset of “Pistol PRO”
20+ Pistol Motion Capture Animations
Update: Version 2.7A1
All Animations Humanoid
Root Motion and In-Place
Reference Root Motion
16 Animations, 4 Aim Offsets, Split Jumps - 29 Total Files
View 3D Animations on Sketchfab:
Pistol Starter 27A: Sketchfab Viewer
View/Download Motion List Here:
Pistol Starter 2.7A - Animation List
Watch the Demo on Vimeo:
(Highlight Video does NOT show all animations in Pack. Please see Sketchfab Viewer and Motion List for true Pack contents)
Pistol: Highlight Video
INCLUDES: Idles, Stand, Crouch, Walk, Jog, Aiming, Turns, Split Jump.
- All Animations Set to Humanoid.
- 2.7A1 - Animations Root Transform Rotation and Position set to "Original" and Bake Into Pose for correct default behavior.
- A Starter set of Military Pistol animations for a third-person shooter game.
- 1911_Pistol_01 - A matching fully textured Pistol has been included as a separate asset .fbx file. It has been parented into the hierarchy in the "Demo" scene.
- Includes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments, and "Reference" root motion.
Mocap Online - Unity Animation Notes
View/Download Motion List Here:
Pistol Starter 2.7A - Animation List
STANDW1_Stand_Aim_IdleW1_Stand_Relaxed_IdleTURN LOOPSW1_Stand_Aim_Turn_In_Place_L_LoopW1_Stand_Aim_Turn_In_Place_R_LoopAIM OFFSETSW1_Stand_Aim_Point_D90W1_Stand_Aim_Point_U90W1_Crouch_Aim_Point_D90W1_Crouch_Aim_Point_U90FIREW1_Stand_Fire_SingleW1_Crouch_Fire_SingleWALKW1_Walk_Aim_F_LoopCROUCHW1_CrouchWalk_Aim_F_LoopW1_Crouch_IdleW1_Crouch_Aim_IdleJOGW1_Jog_Aim_F_LoopSPLIT JUMPSW1_Stand_Aim_Jump_Start_IPCW1_Stand_Aim_Jump_Air_IPCW1_Stand_Aim_Jump_End_IPCW1_Walk_Aim_F_Jump_RU_End_IPCW1_Jog_Aim_F_Jump_RU_End_IPC
Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC