A grid based first person game engine system.
GridMove is a package containing a basic engine to get you started to create games similar to Dungeon Master, Eye of the beholder and other grid based RPG games or simply as an inspiration tool for own ideas.
The idea is to show you how easy this can be done made out of just a couple of scripts ,prefabs and models.
Create your own levels. Hit play and walk around in the dungeon..
Key features
- Ready made Prefabs.
Walls, stairs, ceiling and floor.
- Walk and rotate with mouse and keyboard.
- Mouselook with orbit.
- 3 level demo.
- Simple teleport.
- Door with a delay, speed, time and an option to stay open.
- Ambient, and other sounds.
- A minimap.
- Simple torch with random flickering light, chest, barrel and a crate.