Dungeons&Castles is a kit designed to help you build any type of Dungeon/Castle/Interior's of a castle/Stone Village for your game with ease.
You can build levels for First person view/Third person view/Isometric view.
The package includes 248 prefabs, almost all provided with 4 stages of LOD'S and easy connection system, subdivided in :
- Castle's modular parts (included destructible variants of the prefab)
- Interior's of a castle (walls,rooms,hallways etc etc)
- Dungeon's modular parts
- Props
The modular pieces are the core of the kit, built in a modular fashion, each piece can be attached to another, allowing the construction of a very large underground level or outdoor Castle level in a matter of minutes.
Using the others prefabs included in the package every level can be highly customized to obtain a unique look.
5 Example scenes included.
Footage Example
Almost every material is shipped with appropriate occlusion map and PBR map.
Albedo textures provided at 4K resolution.