Using the "FRACTURED" pack you can easely populate your scene with diamonds, fractured diamonds, piles of Gems and Diamonds and Gems. And some Rocks. And Fractured Rocks. And Gem Studded Rocks:)
They say Diamonds are a games best friend. So what are you waiting for!
All Diamonds and rocks are fractured into individual pieces giving you a ton of posibilities.
This package contains:
- 5 Diamonds of increasing detail.
- 5 Fractured Diamonds of increasing detail with individual pieces that can be moved, scaled and animated individually.
- 5 Low Poly Rocks
- 5 Fractured Low Poly Rocks with individual pieces that can be moved, scaled and animated individually.
- 5 Rocks with a Diamond Shaped Hole in it.
- 5 Fractured Rocks with a Diamond Shaped Hole in it, with individual pieces that can be moved, scaled and animated individually.
- 5 Rocks with Diamonds in them.
- 5 Rocks with Diamonds in them with a Hole Cut Out for the Diamond.
- 5 Rocks with Diamonds in them were the Diamond is cut away were it is inside the Rock to make model smaller.
- 5 Gem Studded Rocks.
- 5 Gem Studded Rocks in them with a Hole Cut Out for the Diamond.
- 5 Gem Studded Rocks were the Gem is cut away were it is inside the Rock to make model smaller.
- 1 Small Pile of induvidual Gems.
- 1 Medium Pile of induvidual Gems.
- 1 Big Pile of induvidual Gems.
- 1 Low Poly Pile of Gems.
- 1 Medium Poly Pile of Gems.
- 1 High Poly Pile of Gems.
- 10 Different Reflective Color Materials to play with.
- 1 Simple Cube Map
- 2 Simple Grey Maps for Rocks.