High-quality 3D animals with smooth animations and HD textures. Perfect for games, simulations, and interactive experiences. Easy to integrate and optimized for Unity!Bring your project to life with the Realistic Animals PACK, a collection of highly detailed and realistic animals for Unity! This pack includes optimized 3D models, smooth animations, and high-quality textures—perfect for games, simulations, and interactive experiences.Realistic Bear, Elk, Moose, Deer, Doe, and BigHorn with animations authored at 30fps, 2K textures and bone meshes.Features:BearElkMooseDeerDoeBgHornbone meshesAnimations at 30 fps2K TexturesIdeal for survival games, nature simulations, RPGs, and more! 🏞️🐾🔥 Enhance your game’s realism with the Realistic Animals PACK! 🔥*The environment used in the showcase is not included in the pack.This pack includes 6 exclusive 3D models with smooth animations and high-quality textures.Assets Included:6 3D Models: Bear, Elk, Moose, Deer, Doe, and BigHorn134 Animations2K Albedo textures for all models 31 TexturesBear: 7,508 triangles (Vertices: 4,524)Elk: 4,974 triangles (Vertices: 3,050)Moose: 5,530 triangles (Vertices: 3,296)Deer: 5,036 triangles (Vertices: 3,168)Doe: 5,216 triangles (Vertices: 3,082)BigHorn: 4,914 triangles (Vertices: 2,992)Submeshes: 3 for Bear, Elk, Deer, Doe, and BigHorn; 2 for MooseUV Mapping: Yes, with UV1 and UV2Rigging: Yes, with bone meshAnimations: Animations at 30fpsNotes:The environment used in the showcase is not included in the pack.This pack is ideal for survival games, nature simulations, RPGs, and much more!