10 demo maps
2051 Prefabs
6 Useful Plugins
1 Character Controller
10 Skyboxes
180 additional materials
Sounds Included
Well optimized for mobile devices and VR
Map generator includedThis pack includes plugins that will help you convert your project to HDRP or URPFirst use the plugin in the "Tool" tab "KCG_RenderPipelineConverter"After converting all the materials into the new render pipeline, you need to assign all the textures to their slots, this can be done using the pluginalso in the "Tool" tab "KCG_AutoTextureAssigner" (But this does not guarantee 100% results)PC Demo build v6 mapGoogle DrivePC Demo build v7 mapGoogle DrivePC Demo build v8 mapGoogle DriveNews, support, updatesDiscord Telegramm (Very New)This package also include all assets from previous packages:v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9And some of the content from the urban pack v1Whats new in the 10.0 pack?New 1 Demo mapNew 6 Plugins; KCG_AutoTextureAssigner.cs KCG_ColliderUtilities.cs KCG_LightSourceAnalyzer.cs KCG_MapGenerator.cs KCG_MaterialConverterWindow.cs KCG_RenderPipelineConverter.csNew Simple Character Controller (with SciFi weapon); KCG_PlayerController.csNew prefabs (about 600); FS_Sedan (1 prefab, 13pc 2-4k textures) City_Mall_v1 (10prefabs, ~50pc 2-4k textures) CBuildings_v3 (3prefabs, ~50pc 2-4k textures) SciFi Weapon (7prefabs, 9pc 2-4k textures) Road_set_v2 (37 prefabs, 2k textures) Dry_tree_v2 (3 prefabs, 1k textures) Oak_v1 (3 prefabs, 4k texture) Store_Sign_v1 (5 prefabs, 1k texture) Store_Sign_v2 (50 prefabs, 4k texture) Turnstile_v1 (9 prefabs, 6pc 2k textures) Vent_sys_v1 (42 prefabs, 2k texture) Table_scales_v1 (14 prefabs, 9pc 2k textures) Store_facade_v1 (36 prefabs, 5pc 4k textures) Store_drinks_fridge_v1 (11 prefabs, 13pc 2k textures) SScheckout_v1 (5 prefabs, 7pc 2k textures) Shop_Lokers_v1 (21 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures) Rack_with_products_v1 (7 prefabs, 2k texture) Products_showcase_v1 (13 prefabs, 13pc 2k textures) Payment_terminal_v1 (3 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures) Milk_fridge_v1 (5 prefabs, 6pc 2k textures) Mannequins_v1 (14 prefabs, 4pc 4k textures) Ice_cream_refr_v1 (12 prefabs, 14pc 2k textures) Glass_fence_v1 (15 prefabs, 2k texture) Emg_signs_hydrant_v1 (63 prefabs, 3pc 4k textures) Cloth_set_v1 (87 prefabs, 4k texture) Cloth_furniture_v1 (87 prefabs, 3pc 4k textures) Cashier_counter_v1 (8 prefabs, 2pc 2k textures) Brick_wall_v1 (1 prefab, 1k texture) ATM_v1 (11 prefabs, 11pc 2k textures) ATM_2 (3 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures) Ad_posters_v1 (35 prefabs, 9pc 4k textures) Sofa_v1 (2 prefabs, 2pc 2k textures)See the Screenshots and videos for more details :)All prefabs have the correct orientationPosition/rotation - Set to 0Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1Includes:Over 2000 prefabs for fast create your own RPG/FPS level for PC or Mobile platform.(ready for mobile)10 Demo scene about 70 000 - 700 000 triangles.(ready for mobile)Map GeneratorCharacter Controller With SciFi Weapon6 Plugins1 CarMany SoundsFor best batching, use "Mesh Baker"If you have any wishes and suggestions please contact me.Use and Enjoy :)Includes:10 demo maps 2051 Prefabs6 Useful Plugins1 Character Controller10 Skyboxes1 Detailed Car180 Additional MaterialsMap Generator