Plugin that lets you conveniently track time left until the end of the submission for your jam, so you never miss a deadline (no guarantees though, using alarm clocks still recommended).How to useIn Unity, go to Tools -> 🐤 loose chicks -> Itch.io Game Jam TrackerList all jams will be parsed from itch.io/jams pageSelect the one you're participating in:Feel free to use quick search and/orFilters by statusDecide where to show the progress and timer:Scene view overlay (movable and dockable)Top toolbar (requires a dependency to be installed)Jam name is clickable and will open the jam page in your browserDependenciesIf you want to see the progress and timer in the top toolbar, you need to install the following package:Unity Toolbar Extender UI ToolkitThis is not required for the scene view overlay and the tool will work without the above asset. I've included a button to install it in the plugin's settings window.