This is a toolkit to optimize your workflow while coding; automatic zipping of builds, documentation tools and more.
This can support smaller or bigger projects by automating boring tasks.This toolkit allows users to efficiently do some known boring and repetitive tasks, such as Auto-Generating zipped, compressed and readily sharable builds, Tools to help you jot down some notes while coding, Documentation tools and more!FeaturesPost Build ActionsDo you send your projects to friends when building and sharing games? Do you archive the builds? With this tool, you can automatically build your game, zip it up, add additional files, and eventually share it - it saves a lot of time.NotesThis tool lets you write notes inside the Unity Editor and save them for later; it's good for programmers who stay up late!Asset CounterDo you need to write Game Design or Technical Design Documents (or want to know how many assets, audio, scripts, etc.) you have? This tool lets you do this automatically and counts each's size.Fancy ScreenshotsCapture screenshots inside of the editor with a click of the button.DocumentationThe toolkit includes a documentation PDF file and a website with relevant information, which can be found here.