High-quality shaders for stunning visuals! Optimized, customizable, and easy to use. Perfect for realism, effects, and stylized graphics.Take your game or project to the next level with the Ultimate Shader Collection! This powerful pack includes 10+ high-quality shaders, designed for stunning visual effects, realism, and artistic expression. Whether you need realistic materials, mesmerizing effects, or stylized visuals, this collection has everything to enhance your scenes effortlessly.The wireframe shader for this asset is only supported on Windows and does not work on WebGL or macOS.🔥 10+ unique shaders for realistic and artistic styles🚀 Optimized for performance across all platforms🎨 Easy-to-use customization for perfect visual tuning🔧 Plug & Play compatibility with any Unity projectSupported Render Pipelines:✅ Standard/Built-In❌ Universal❌ HdrpFor a list of features, see Technical DetailsAdvanced Dissolve Shader 🔥Dissolve Effect: Directional control (_DissolveDirection), noise-based dissolution (_NoiseTex), adjustable threshold (_DissolveAmount).Glowing Edge: Customizable edge color (_EdgeColor), width (_EdgeWidth), and intensity (_GlowIntensity).Lighting: Diffuse + ambient lighting with gamma correction.Hologram Shader 👾Glitch Effects: Vertex distortion, RGB splitting, block noise (_GlitchIntensity, _GlitchSpeed).Scan Lines: Animated scanlines with speed (_ScanSpeed) and tiling (_ScanTiling).Rim Light: Fresnel effect with adjustable power (_RimPower).Distortion: UV noise-based distortion (_Distortion).HologramShader 2. Shader 🌐Glitch: Vertex displacement (_GlitchIntensity).Enhanced Features:Rim/Fresnel: Customizable rim color/power (_RimPower).Scanlines: Position-dependent scanlines (_ScanTiling, _ScanSpeed).Alpha Flicker: Noise-driven transparency flickering (_FlickerTex, _FlickerSpeed).Outline Shader 🖍️Dynamic Outline: Adjustable width (_OutlineWidth), color (_OutlineColor), and toggle (_ShowOutline).PBR Support: Metallic/smoothness maps, normal mapping, emission control (_EnableEmission).PixelArtShader Shader 🎮Pixelation: Fixed pixel size (_PixelSize).Color Quantization: Limited color palette (_ColorCount).Retro Effects: Scanlines (_ScanlineIntensity), vignette (_VignetteIntensity).3 Toon Shader 🎨Rim Glow: Edge glow (_EdgeGlow, _RimPower).Cel-Shading:Stepped Lighting: Banded shadows (_ToonSteps).Specular Highlights: Shininess control (_Shininess).Outline Pass: Distance-based thickness (_OutlineThickness), toggleable (_ShowOutline).ToonWater Shader 🌊Wave Simulation: Animated sine/cosine waves (_WaveFlowSpeed, _WaveAmplitude).Foam & Depth: Dynamic foam based on depth (_MaxFoamDistance), noise-driven cutoff (_NoiseCutoffThreshold).Shore Blending: Smooth transition between water/shore colors (_ShorelineBlend).Wireframe Shader 🕸️Customizable Wireframe Rendering: Adjustable thickness (_WireThickness) with optional screen-relative scaling (_ScreenRelative).Smooth Edges & Anti-Aliasing: Fine-tune wire smoothing (_WireSmoothing) for clean, crisp lines.Dynamic Pulse Effect: Wireframe thickness pulsates over time with adjustable speed (_PulseSpeed) and intensity (_PulseStrength).Custom Edge Coloring: Define wireframe color (_EdgeColor) with full alpha support.Quadification Option: Toggle (_Quadify) to modify topology for a more structured wireframe appearance.Transparency Support: Renders as a transparent shader with proper blending for seamless integration.Advanced Outline System 🎯A fully customizable object highlighting system with raycast detection.Player Controller System 🎮⚡ Energy System: Manage stamina or other resources during gameplay.👣 Footstep System: Adds immersive footstep sounds based on player movement and surface type.🔻 Crouch System: Customizable crouching options, with support for both “hold to crouch” and “press to crouch.”Water Bob System 🌊Simulates water bobbing and rotational effects for floating objects with customizable frequency and amplitude.