A powerful Unity Editor tool to automatically detect and manage unused assets in your project. Easily move, restore, and track assets to keep your workspace clean and optimized.Should work with most Unity versions! Let us know if you find any issues, we are here to serve your projects organization! <3 Have fun! Check Useless Assets is an essential tool for Unity developers who want to keep their projects organized and want cleaner commits. It scans selected folders and files, detecting assets that are not referenced in any enabled scene from Build Settings. These assets can then be moved to a dedicated backup folder, allowing developers to review and restore them as needed.🔹 Key Features:✅ Detects unused assets based on actual project dependencies✅ Moves unused assets to a managed backup folder (non-destructive)✅ Allows quick restoration of assets to their original locations✅ Provides a detailed breakdown of asset types and total project weight✅ Fully integrated into the Unity Editor with right-click menu optionsWhether you're optimizing unnecessary assets or looking for faster and cleaner commits, Check Useless Assets makes it effortless!Dependency Analysis: Scans selected folders/files, cross-referencing enabled scenesBackup System: Moves unused assets to a safe folder, tracking original locationsOne-Click Restore: Restore selected assets to their previous locations instantlyStatistics & Insights: Provides a breakdown of unused assets by file type and sizeSafe & Non-Destructive: No assets are deleted right away, movements are reversibleRight-Click Integration: Quickly check, move, or restore assets from the Project windowSupports most Unity versions! Tested on Windows