Integrated solution to easyly create complex environments in a matter of minutes.As an amateur game developer, working without an art and design team makes you realize that creating a functional and beautiful map, where all the “Gameplay” you have in your head comes to life, is the phase of the development process which consumes the most time to achieve mediocre results at best.“JOIN THE DOTS 3D SHAPES & ROADS” is a flexible, efficient and intuitive proposal to generate and edit 3D meshes that adapt perfectly to a predefined design.Two types of 3D meshes can be created from the editor: "SHAPE" and "ROAD." Both types have specific characteristics and their combination create synergies that allow for spectacular results in minimal time.A user manual can be found at:https://www.jointhedotsmapgenerator.com/shapes-roads-free-asset/ghide-english-2• The user interface is so simple that it makes it an essential tool for designers and artists, as well as for programmers.• Proposes integrated solutions for the generation of the map as well as the integration of art in the map created through a material and prefabs assignment interface. All these systems working together allow you to automate the creation of complex 3D mesh maps with pre-established materials applied.• In the process of “playing” with the parameters of the user interface to generate the map, it can show in real time the effects of the variations that the user is making, greatly facilitating the process of searching for a desired result.• Easy to use UI. No programming required.• All source code is included.• “JOIN THE DOTS 3D SHAPES & ROADS” is lightweight and optimized for performance.• The package works with all processing pipelines (integrated, URP, SRP, HDRP, custom RP). It is not a graphics package. You will only need to convert sample model materials for your SRP if you are not using the built-in SRP.