Cartoon Fantasy Props and Items
Knightferret Studios
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Over 1300 props -- furniture, items, gear, traps, and treasure -- for your fantasy game! Comes as stylized PBR and perfect for use with Toon shaders as well.This contains the funitures, items, gear, traps, treasure and other props found in Castle van Webb: Modular Stylized Castles and Dungeons, but without the architectural components, for those who would like to have the props and items only. If you think you might want the architectural pieces to build levels, you should get that, if you're sure you do not need them than this may be for you.This contains many categories of props (and potentially usable items) for your fantasy or medieval games. Including:Furniture of a wide range of typesVarious smaller items from table setting to musical instruments to alchemy equipmentWeapons and ToolsTreasures to loot, such as gems, jewerly, art work (paintings), and goldA range of trapsEverything you might need for dungeon dressing or as props for all sorts of medieval fantasy themed scenes, from village houses to royal castles, you can probably find right here. All the indoor, perhaps even all the non-living, props you need to build a mildly stylized or cartoon fantasy game are likely included and done in a consistent style.Everything is mildly stylized with generally realistic shapes and sizes but a cartoony coloring and general aesthetic -- similar to classic animated films and some styles of anima -- and with props all designed around a consistent color palette. Objects, though stylized and mapped to a palette can also be metallic, emissive, or translucent. If this PBR rendition isn’t what you’re looking for, these models work great with toon shaders such as RealToon and Flat Kit, especially if screen space post processing such as Clean Outline are used for the outlining. Nothing says "cartoon" like solid colors.This also comes a scripts for various uses for opening things, such as door and chests, and relevant prefabs come fully set up to be opened – just plug it in to your code, directly or through events, and you’re good to go with functioning doors and containers.The are 17 texture, including two normal maps, two smoothness-metalicity maps, one ambient occlusion map, and four standard base color / albedo map (one of which doubles as an emisive map). Two material holding special images (paintings and patterns for props) are 2k, all other textures are 1k. Most props share three color atlasses, which use three textures for base color, smoothness / metallicity, and emission. The textures are used for partical effects (all base color).All but a few props are UV unwrated for use with the color atlas, and have secondary UVs for use with light mapping. The designated as "-UV" (otherwise large or plain models) have a single UV, unwrapped for use with a tiling texture representing the literal material (e.g., marble).Polygon counts range from 12 triangles for very simple models up to a 3k triangles for the most complex architecture. Most have between 200 and 1k triangles, with a mean average of 850 triangles.There are 1373 prop prefabs.There is no animations or rigging, though some doors and other objects can be opened (or similarly animated) with scripts based on transforms.Materials used on meshes are all PBR standard Unity shaders.Most items are not LODed as most do not have that many polies, though a few small or intricate items (e.g., jewelry), those with complex geometry (e.g., brick ovens), and some expected to be comon in large open worlds (e.g., rocks) have full LODs set up.