Dungeon Music Variety Pack is a collection of 30 songs composed by Electro Fairy covering a myriad of environmental themes. From forests, to canyons, to mystical crystal dungeons -- even horror!Dungeon Music Variety Pack is a collection of 30 songs composed by Electro Fairy covering a myriad of environmental themes. From forests, to canyons, to mystical crystal dungeons -- even horror!There is something here for everybody!Please note that many songs do not have traditional loops. The non-traditional loops are an intentional stylistic choice aimed to counter ear fatigue.【tracklist】EF-AltarEF-AmbientEF-CanyonEF-Cave IEF-Cave IIEF-ChaosEF-CyberspaceEF-DesertEF-FactoryEF-FairyEF-FinalEF-ForestEF-Forest IIEF-GhostEF-Horror IEF-Horror IIEF-Horror IIIEF-Horror IVEF-Horror VEF-IceEF-Ice IIEF-JungleEF-MachineEF-MysticEF-SewerEF-SpaceEF-TempleEF-TenebrousEF-VolcanoEF-Water