A collection of musical instruments, performance friendly and lightweight.This collection of musical instruments is suitable for a wide range of projects since it was made with performance in mind ( optimized polycount & textures ).Here is a list of the instruments you will find in this package:acoustic guitarelectric guitarbanjobelldjembesnare drum + drumstickflutelutelyrexylophone + malletmaracamicrophonetriangle + percussion rodspeakertambourinetrumpetviolin + bowIf you have any questions or need more information, don't hesitate to reach out!Minimum polygon count: 128Averge polygon count aprox. 1200Maximum polygon count: 2484Number of textures/materials: 17 Number of meshes/prefabs: 21Texture dimensions: 512 x 512 / 256 x 256Rigging: NoUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps: single albedo texture