Mobile Lighting Box 3 (Maximum Mobile Graphics)
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This is a all in one automatic lighting tool to help you achieve the best lighting and graphics results with the best performance in your mobile gameDesigned for built-in rpLicenseAsset uses a few assets under free use Third-PartySee "Licenses.txt" file in package under "Doc" folder for detailsWorks on the Unity 2021, Unity 2022 and Unity 6___________________________________This is a all in one automatic lighting tool to help you achieve the best lighting and graphics results with the best performance in your mobile gameWith this tool, you can use the full power of Unity and the full power of your mobile devicesThe target device is at least $100 phones and best results on phones $300 or higherFeatures=>- Profile save load system for each scene- Games, simulation and archvis- Usefull fake effects (water, lolcal fog, snow)- Raytraced compute shader realtime screen space reflection support- Sun shaft support- Height and Distance fog support- Easy to use- In-game settings menu to have best performance on the target deviceTutorials Playlist________________________________LicenseAsset uses a few textures under free use Third-PartySee "Notices.txt" file in package under "Doc" folder for detailsBuilt-in rp supportSimple water shaderSnow shaderAuto PBR shaderRaytraced SSR (compute shader)In-game settings menu to get maximum performance. The game can run on the all devices via settings menu