Frustrated with recreating clunky score system in your Unity project? Unlock seamless, reusable & customizable score management with Trophy Score System to speed up your development process!Tested with Unity2022.3.27f16000.0.35f1Utilizing the power of scriptable objects and dynamic/modular extension system Trophy is the ultimate choice for your next projects. Saving your time instead of wasting on reinventing the wheel!With Trophy there is no limit to what you want and how you want. You can use any cloud save, local save or leaderboard, score display etc as long as you have a extension for it. There are many premade within Trophy but if you need something thats not in you can make your own following the documentation.Some Links:Documentation | EmailPre-Provided Extensions (Can be removed):▰ Cloud Storage: Unity Cloud Save, Firebase Realtime Database (Unity SDK)▰ Leaderboard: Unity Leaderboards▰ Local Storage: PlayerPrefs, Unity JSON, Binary, XML, Text (Plain & Base64), YAMLDotNet, Json.Net▰ Score Text Display: Text, Text Mesh, Text Mesh Pro, Text Mesh Pro UGUI, Modular 3D Text, Score Text (UIElements/UI Toolkit), Unity Event▰ Icon Display: Sprite Renderer, Image, RawImage, Score Icon (IMGUI, UIElements)Notice: Always install any required packages before importing pre-provided extensions to prevent compile errors.Features:▰ Lightweight & Powerful▰ Dynamic & Extendible▰ Optimized Scripts▰ Clean Source Code▰ Scriptable Object Based▰ Cloud/Local Storage Support▰ Optional Integrity Validation for Save/Load using hash algorithms such as (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)▰ Leaderboard Support▰ Score & Icon Display Support (IMGUI, UGUI, UIElements, 2D/3D)▰ Events Support▰ Smooth Friendly Workflow▰ Custom Editors▰ Score Explorer for both Editor & Runtime(Development Build Only)