PANDEMONIUM brings the renowned Ken Burns effect to your project. Showcase your game art like never before by transforming menus, loading screens, and more!Join our Discord | Read DocumentationPandemonium is an easy solution to add the famous Ken Burns effect to your game. It's a perfect fit for main menus, loading screens, and much more—your creativity is the limit!What is the Ken Burns effect? The Ken Burns effect is a post-production technique used to create the illusion of motion using static images. This technique involves smoothly panning or zooming across an image, creating the visual impression that the camera itself is actively moving within the boundaries of the frame.Oh — that sounds interesting! How can I add this to my project? It's really easy using PANDEMONIUM. Simply load the asset into your project, open the prefab folder within this asset, and add the prefab to your main menu, pause menu, loading screen, or anywhere else you prefer. You can replace the demo images with your own, create custom presets or use one of the existing ones—and you're DONE!──────⊱⁜⊰──────FEATURES: ✨ Unity 6 compatible ✨ NO CODING REQUIRED✨ Panning ✨ Zooming ✨ Easy integration into your project ✨ Bring dynamism and life to static images ✨ Quick and straight forward setup──────⊱⁜⊰──────I plan to introduce additional features like more animation types and transitions in future updates. If you're missing something, please feel free to write me an email or join our Discord to share your suggestions.Pandemonium lets you create the illusion of motion using static images (Ken Burns effect) with very low effort. Quick and straight forward setup and you're ready to let players drop their jaws without having to write a single line of code!Join our Discord | Read Documentation