Customizable 4pcs 3D Chibi Fantasy Characters —Swordsman, Cleric, Mage, Archer— each with 3 different designs, 9 animations, and 16 expressions ready for mobile and low poly fantasy games.This package includes:Four (4x) animated low poly 3D Characters with different classes.Swordsman ClaireCleric LouiseMage HendrixArcher CalebTwelve (12x) sets of customizable costumes and hairstyles each class.Siege SwordsmanRune SwordsmanTempest SwordsmanHoly ClericDark ClericLightbringer ClericCelestial MageWhite MageWoodland MageForest ArcherArcane ArcherShadow ArcherTwelve (12x) low poly 3D WeaponsScimitarLight SwordRapierHoly TomeGravekeeper's TomeCelestial TomeCelestial StaffPharaoh's StaffDruid StaffWooden CrossbowSteel CrossbowShadow CrossbowNine (9x) AnimationsIdleBattle ModeWalkRunJumpHeavy AttackLight AttackDefeatFlinchSixteen (16x) Available ExpressionsNeutralHappyBlinkDizzyAngry 1Angry 2Wink RWink LConfounded 1Confounded 2Cry 1Cry 2OverjoyedSurprisedAnnoyedDefeatedTry the Asset DEMO's here:Swordsman Claire : https://astarish-studios.web.app/swdclaire/Cleric Louise : https://astarish-studios.web.app/clelouise/Mage Hendrix : https://astarish-studios.web.app/maghendrix/Archer Caleb : http://astarish-studios.web.app/arccalebSWORDSMAN CLAIRE:Number of textures: 12Texture dimensions: 2048x2048 | 4096x4096Polygon count of [Swordsman Claire] : 2,239Polygon count of [Light Sword] : 146Polygon count of [Rapier] : 216Polygon count of [Scimitar] : 244Maximum polygon count : 2,483CLERIC LOUISE:Number of textures: 12Texture dimensions: 2048x2048 | 4096x4096Polygon count of [Cleric Louise] : 2,393Polygon count of [Tomes] : 226Maximum polygon count : 2,619MAGE HENDRIX:Number of textures: 12Texture dimensions: 2048x2048 | 4096x4096Polygon count of [Mage Hendrix] : 2,405Polygon count of [Celestial Staff] : 238Polygon count of [Pharaoh's Staff] : 188Polygon count of [Druid's Staff] : 340Maximum polygon count : 2,745ARCHER CALEB:Number of textures: 13Texture dimensions: 2048x2048 | 4096x4096Polygon count of [Archer Caleb] : 2,270Polygon count of [Wooden Crossbow] : 490Polygon count of [Steel Crossbow] : 598Polygon count of [Arcane Crossbow] : 766Maximum polygon count : 3,036Number of prefabs : 24Rigging: YesAnimation count : 9Animation type list : Idle, Battle Mode, Walk, Run, Jump, Heavy Attack, Light Attack, Defeat and FlinchUV mapping: Yes