This is a basic asset to help you create and experiment with 2D games.This asset contains spritesheets for every character and animation. There are few characters and enviroments which you can build to your liking, I have also included some basic UI elements so YOU have everything you need to get your first project started.Have fun and thank you for using this asset <3here is the complete list:CHARACTERSSlimeEyeballKnightRangerLEVELSLevel 1flooringwallstorchgatesLevel 2flooringwallstorchgatesOtherbarrelboxUIHealthShieldInventoryUpgradeSettings cog✅❌CrosshairItemsSwordBowArrowHealing PotionBagEffectsPoisonFireLightningCoinsCopperSilverGoldover 100 files (usually 500x500px, 1500x1500px or bigger)contains .png files (spritesheets have transparent backgrounds)not animated - animations are split up to single images in sprite sheetsuser has to slice up sprite sheets by themselves using the unity editorpixel based - everything has been drawn in photoshop