Quickly create Magica Cloth 2 colliders for humanoids using a wizard and register the created colliders with Magica Cloth 2 at the click of a button.The asset extends Magica Cloth 2 and has the same compatibility.OverviewMagica Cloth 2 is an exciting and powerful cloth solution. I needed a quick way to create the colliders for Magica Cloth 2 for many humanoid characters. Manual creation would have been slow, so I decided to implement this helper tool to speed up the creation and registration of colliders for humanoid characters.Why Free?Because I enjoy creating tools and assets and the community - you guys - are awesome with your support of my other assets.I was asked to share the tool when I showcased the video which is linked in the description, so here is the tool at your convenience as an asset for quick and easy installation using the Package Manager.Featuresassign and manage humanoid characterassign and manage magica clothcreate and remove colliders convenientlyselect the created colliders, ie jump to themmirror colliders that have mirror bones (eg left and right upper arm)register and unregister the created colliders with magica clothSpecial NotesThere's no way to calculate the collider dimensions correctly from the mesh. So the colliders are a rough estimation which you most likely need to adjust. However as you can see in the demo videos the workflow is way faster than if you'd have to do it all manually.Showcase Videos and ScreenshotsPlease look at the videos linked in the asset description to see how the tool is to be used. Read the documentation for more information.The videos and screenshots are examples of the asset put into scene. In case you are interested the descriptions of the videos contain information about which assets were used.LinksUnity ForumCreate colliders for humanoids and register them with Magica Cloth 2.