Kickstart your development process with a collection of editor tools from FewClicks Dev. Save money on the future releases.The FewClicks Dev - Editor Tools Bundle includes all present and future editor tools with around 25% discount.==============================So far, this bundle includes:» Shaders Limiter - strip unused shader variants, reduce build time and runtime memory usage of your project. Create shader variant collections from game logs.» Addressables Organiser - create, delete, and move addressable assets between groups with unified workflow. Combine groups into sets to manage their settings all at once.» Physics Inspector - locate any colliders in your scene or selection to change their physics materials and layers. Preview and update project layers.» Texture Channel Arranger - create detail maps, swizzle, remove, or extract channels from any texture in your project. Combine many single-channel textures into one for memory and performance benefits.==============================Tools already available for free:» Time Scaler - test gameplay, animations, and other systems using different time scales.» Color Texture Generator - generate various gradient textures that can later be used in the UI, shaders, or scripts.==============================All tools come with a full source code and extensive documentation. Additional support is available via email.The price will increase when new tools are added.The bundle gives you access to all the current and future editor tools. Keep in mind that this won't apply to any game templates, runtime systems, etc.After the purchase, please visit the individual assets pages and redeem them for free.