8 Dir Point n Click Character: Helix
Crosswired Studios
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Are you trying to create a pixel art Point and Click adventure? Then you've landed on the right package. Get characters into your game today!This package only contains spritesheet textures that have been sliced. They should be compatible with any setup.Helix is the manly man. The square jawed scuzzy character that doesnt care what people think, but always comes through when you need something done. A true beefcake. Make him deplorable, make him loveable.Point and Click adventures come with a unique set of needs from artist and we've created an asset package that should cover a wide range of those needs for your next point and click. In this package we've included Helix as a 64x64 pixel character in a wide variety of sprite sheets. These will look amazing on your backgrounds at 270p! All sprites are using 32-bit color with transparency. Colors are indexed so there are no more than 32 colors in an animation to help keep a consistent color palette. Whats included:8 Directional Animations (64px with 8 frames)IdleIdle + Tapping FootWalkRunTalkLook LeftLook Right4 Directional Animations (64px with 8 frames)KickPick Up1-Offs (64px with 1 - 12 frames)UrinatingHands in AirLook At WatchJump OutAvatar Images (64px)NeutralHappyAngryAvatar Animations (64px with 2 - 4 frames)Netural TalkHappy TalkAngry TalkWe regularly update this package as new poses and animations become available and we take requests on our Discord! Need something that will help others out in their game, we'd love to add it. Just ask!Join our discord:https://discord.gg/3SX534Qcyd8 Directional AnimationsIdleIdle + Tapping FootWalkRunTalkLook LeftLook Right4 Directional AnimationsKickPick Up1-OffsUrinatingHands in AirLook At WatchJump OutAvatar ImagesNeutralHappyAngryAvatar AnimationsNetural TalkHappy TalkAngry Talk