A custom car physics controller for arcade-style games. Easy setup. Customize all physics parameters in the inspector, or modify and build upon this implementation to make your own.The sample uses URP, but the code works with any rendering pipeline.NO PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES!DOWNLOAD PLAYABLE DEMO (WINDOWS)Custom Arcade Car Physics ControllerFun driving gameplay!Racing.Toy cars.RC cars.Drifting cars.Raycast wheels (No WheelColliders!).Lightweight! Simplified physics calculations.Easy to grasp.Easy to scale to multiplayer.Ackermann steering: this model ensures all wheels of a vehicle point toward a common turning center, improving handling and reducing tire slippage.Easily Setup Your CarCustomize all physics parameters in the inspector.Gizmos and Editor Tools help with configuration and debugging.Code FeaturesClean and simple code.Built to be easy to grasp, modify, and build upon.Separation of concerns: Logic vs. Visuals.Cherry-pick the parts you need!Minimal inter-dependencies.Modularity.It is easy to extract individual parts and move them around.Direct to the point!No established complex architecture.Optimized for mobile. Zero allocations per frame.Sound and Visuals IntegrationWheels suspension.Skid marks and smoke.Skid sound.Engine sound.Tire impact sound.Car impact sound.Sample SceneFully configured Car and map showcasing all features.The sample uses URP, but the code works with any rendering pipeline.TIP: Use a joystick for the best experience.Third-Party NoticeThis asset includes third-party audio files. The licenses are available at ArcadeCar/Sample/Audio/LICENSES.txt