The asset is the best choice both in price and performance. Pre-made scenes help you create outdoor or even indoor horror games. Asset has advanced scripts and high quality models.Advanced MOBILE First Person Horror GAME KIT is an advanced asset pack designed to help game developers maximize their game's potential. This asset pack provides a range of pre-made prefabs and scenes to make integration as easy as possible, so you only need to download and get started.All features are fully optimized and tested for mobile devices. This asset is specifically designed for mobile platforms and is best suited for mobile-first game development. If you are targeting PC platforms, please use the PC version of this asset for the best experience.Supported Render Pipelines:✅ Standard/Built-In❌Universal: (Coming soon...)❌High-Definition (Coming soon...)For a list of features, see Technical DetailsThis asset include:🎬 Scenes:Pre-made Menu scene and House scene.🛠️ Menu:Pause MenuAnimated Camera + Pre-built buttons and background for the menu.Graphics SystemAudio Option SystemPost Processing SystemLoading System🏠 Models:3 House model.60+ furniture model.15 different tree. (You can generate more with the asset).4 Rock model.Battery model.2 Flashlight model.4 Grass model.3 Bush model.3 Mushroom model.Log model.Tree stump model.Stick model.Map model.Duct tape model.Coin model.Key model.Keycard model.Keypad model.Thorn paper model.Baricade model.Crowbar model.🔧 Systems:Inventory SystemObject ExaminerJumpscare SystemHorror Character AI SystemHiding SystemDrag & Drop SystemFootstep SystemPlayer Controller System (Running, crouching walk etc.)Energy SystemMenu SystemPause Menu SystemLoading SystemFlashlight SystemBattery SystemCandle SystemLantern SystemObject Spawner SystemObject Collecter SystemOutline SystemDoor SystemKey SystemKeypad SystemKeycard SystemBaricaded Door SystemInteractable Furniture System (Fridge, Drawer, Sink, Cabinet, etc.)Fusebox SystemLamp SystemFlicker Light System🎒 Player Items:FlashlightCandleLanternKeyKeycardCrowbar