An easy level editor for Unity 6+. Make & save collections of primitive objects for re-use as a level, or other type of building/creation app.WEB DEMO: https://manbearpigman.itch.io/level-maker-demoWORKS OUT OF THE BOX FOR HDRP, URP, AND BUILT-IN!!!Unlock your game development potential with our powerful yet lightweight tool designed specifically for Unity 6 and above. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, our level editor simplifies the process of creating intricate game levels or other objects & prefabs for your game's runtime with ease and efficiency.This easy to use level editor for Unity 6+ is powerful, yet small. It takes advantage of unity's built in primitive shapes to Save/Load them from a JSON file in your appdata.1. Spawn primitive shapes: cube, plane, quad, sphere, cylinder, capsule2. Rescale and resize the shapes to make new shapes3. Color the shapes materials & change their metallic, smoothness, and alpha channel properties4. Save/Load the objects from custom file names5. Modify colliders6. Modify rigidy bodies7. Custom object names8. Find/delete object list9. Use mesh or box collider for all shapes (except cube)10. Slider and input fields for scale & rotation11. Modify objects positions using mouse input or more precisely input fields12. Rotate & move objects to/from camera using mouse wheel13. Optional keyboard input spawning14. Spawn prefabs from list and save/load them15. Change object texture and UV side and save/load them16. NEW (work in progress) 2D mode for 2D games!