A cheerful robot with a large set of animations that can change emotions! Mobile friendly.DescriptionDemo scene included!URP package included!10 Face emotions:NeutralHappySadDistrustWonderDeathDisgustAngryCryLove30 animations:Emotion AngryEmotion CryEmotion Dance1Emotion Dance2Emotion Don't know'Emotion HelloEmotion LaughtEmotion ThumbsUpEmotion Looking forEmotion NoEmotion Talk1Emotion WinMotions Fall frontMotions Get hit leftMotions Get hit rightMotions Get hit frontMotions IdleMotions JumpMotions Jump forwardMotions RunMotions RunTurn90Motions Stand up from a prone positionMotions Strafe leftMotions Strafe rightMotions Turn 180Motions Turn 90Motions Walk backMotions WalkMotions Walk turn 90 leftMotions Walk turn 90 rightone PRB texture(2096) set for Body, 2 black/white textures for emotions.5649tris3037 verts3042 faces