Are you looking for 2D Pixel Art Skeletons Crew assets for your top-down/ platfprmer RPG game?
This "Pixel Quest Vol 2: The Necromancer's Order" might be the perfect choice for you.This asset pack is designed to work seamlessly in both platformer and top-down environments, including all necessary animations for movements, attacks, spell, shield, damaged, death and reborn in four directions.The pack contains 6 fully animated characters: 1 Necromancer, 1 Skeleton Knight, 1 Skeleton Captain, 1 Skeleton Archer, 1 Skeleton Armored, 1 Skeleton Common.The entire asset is in individual PNG images, no spritesheet.Sizes: Necromancer 27x39 px (Stick included), Knight 36x47 px (sword included), Captain 27x33 px ( Weapon included), Archer 26x26 px (Bow included), Armored 25x26 px (Sword included), Common 25x26 px (Sword included).It contains:4 Directions Characters - 6 fully animated charactersNecromancer Animations- 255 assets: Idle, Walk, Attack, Summon, 4 dir Cast Spell, Damaged, DeathKnight- 193 assets: Idle, Walk, Attack 1, Attack 2, Attack Super, Block, Damaged, Death, Reborn.Captain Animations- 145 assets: Idle, walk, Attack, Damaged, Block, Death, Reborn.Archer Animations - 104 assets: Idle, walk, Attack, Damaged, Death, Reborn.Armored Animations - 117 assets: Idle, walk, Attack, Damaged, Block, Death, Reborn.Common Animations - 91 assets: Idle, walk, Attack, Damaged, Death, Reborn.Spells FX - 11 assets- Heal FX, Reborn FXThe assets are based on a 16x16 grid.The Vol.2 can be used either as a standalone or in conjunction with Vol.1 , 3 and 4