A selection of Small European Trees for your sceneTested in Editors that have URP installed, without issue.If you need assistance with any issues you encounter, please use our Monitored Forum for Information and contact.https://discussions.unity.com/t/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration/782032/110If you have enjoyed your experience with our products, why not consider leaving a review for others.Gen05SmallEuropeanTrees01A great asset to dress your Town/City scene, Walkways and Parks, Footpaths and Streets, with Low overheads.14 Unique Small European Trees3 Leaf/Branch Materials, Summer/Spring, Autum and WinterGen05 Workflow to reduce Duplication, each Mesh combination is seededComes with Lightmaps and Colliders already generatedLOD's 00-04 provided and automatically functioning, including a Unique Billboard per ModelWorks in Unity Editor 6 out of the box, using the built-in URP. Can be converted to other pipelines. See our forum information here.Can be used in other Unity EditorVersions as the meshes are all FBX and the textures are all PNG, you may have to made adjustments to the Materials to use your chosen Pipeline.14 Unique MeshesRange 1.2k - 2.5k Tris LOD030 Textures including Diff/Albedo, AO, Height, Metalic, Normal and BillboardsTexture resolutions: 1024x1024, 2048x204819 Materials, including 3 Seasonal Branch, BillboardsAlways set these meshes to Static for best results.