Gen05 Mighty Oak 01Materials can be adjusted to other Pipelines. Follow instructions here.https://discussions.unity.com/t/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration/782032/110Gen05 Mighty Oak 01using a new Generator for this production of completely new Mighty Oak Trees. All Multi-Seeded for uniqueness (Trunk, Branches, Leaves and Roots).These are the Majestic and fully mature Oak Trees.15 Unique TreesLODS included (0-4) including Billboard)Lightmaps CreatedCollidersThe First Gen05 Created Pack from our StudioLeaf Branches - include Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal MapsBark include - Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion, Normal, Height and Metalic MapsShould you need any assistance with any of our products, or simply need information, please use our monitored Forum. You can also see information of our other packs.https://discussions.unity.com/t/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration/782032Meshes: 15 + 3 LOD meshes per Base Mesh (total 60 meshes)Tris range from 12k - 24.6k per LOD0 meshPrefabs: 15UV Shadow Mapping per ModelMaterials: 17 including BillboardsRuns in the URP built-in Unity 6 Editor. Can be converted to other Pipelines