— Description —
•More than 440 unique Icons
•Easy to use. Just drag and drop prefabs to your scene.
•No 2D Assets. Only 3D Assets.•More than 440 unique Icons•Easy to use. Just drag and drop prefabs to your scene.•No 2D Assets. Only 3D Assets.•the asset does not contain textures or images.•Asset Includes 441 3D Icons:•Average polygon count per Icon(model): 460 - 480.#, award, 3 dots, aim, Arrows, bomb, Avatar 2, 3d cube, Aligment Center, 0, arrow, Alignment Center, card icon 1, Bar Analyticks, 1, card icon 3, Basketball 2, 2, Alignment Left, bank, 3, Battery 50%, basketball, card icon 4, Alignment Right, 4, cards, Bell, Avatar, beer cup, 5, Bag, cash, bell, Bin 2, 6, casino 2, bike, Bin 2 (1), Book Opened 2, 7, Block, casino bar, Calendar 3, bio, 8, Block.001, cherrys, board, Call, chess horse, Camera 3, Book (Opened), boat, 9, =, Bug, chess icon 1, building, case, ?, burger, chess icon 2, Button, Cinema paper 2, Circle Tick, chess icon 3, Calendar, [, calculator, chess king, Calendar 2, [.001, calendar, Clockbate, A, Colb, chess queen, Camera, call 24, coctail, call message, Chat, Compass 2, ARROW DOWN, camera, ARROW LEFT, Clock, coin 3, Continue, Cup 2, camera , ARROW RIGHT, controller 1, Cloud, Diamomond 2, ARROW UP, camera 3, controller 2, Compass, car, cube, Cursor, B, Document 2, cubes, Download Cloud, C, Delete, cash (1), char bar, diamond, D, Folder 3, Dialog, close, E, Document, Glass 2, flats, F, closed letter, gamepad 3, Glass 3, Document 3, Documents, cloud, F1, GPS 3, gent, F2, cloud and sun, Hand Clock, ghost, Done, Download 2, heart, HeadPhones 2, coffe cup, F3, Exit, Home 2, icon 26, F4, coffe cup 2, coins, Eye, Hote tea, F5, icon 27, False, Icon 3, icon 29, compass, F6, Favorite, F7, Icon 34, contact, icon 30, iocn 27, File, icon 36, contact 3, F8, Icon 37, JOYSTICK, cross, F9, Files, Icon 38, Film paper, kasino coin, cup, F10, F11, Fix, icon 39, lepricon, dialog, Icon 40, domophone, F12, mushroom, Folder, pacman, Gear 2, G, icon 41, download, poison, GPS 2, H, drone, icon 44, ps, Home, icon 45, I, enter, shield, Icon 31, J, enthernet, iocn 35, Icon 32, star coin, file, key 3, K, Icon 33, L, file 2, sword, Lamp 2, Link 2, film, M, Icon 34 (1), viking, find map, MOUSE BUTTON, Icon 35, Link 3, JavaScript Code, N, fix key, Lock 2, flag, Lamp, O, Mail Box, Leaf, P, flower, Map 3, Lighting, football, Market Shop 2, Q, galllery, R, Medal, Link, gear, Locked, S, Menu, glass, T, Monitor 2, Mail, Map 2, Mouse, glass.001, U, glasses, V, Minus, Music , W, go person, Monitor, Navigator, X, Mute, GPs, Note & pen, graphic, Navigator (1), Y, PC 3, grid 3x3, Z, Navigator 2, Pencil, Not Done, headphones, Phone 2, Picture 2, heart (1), Note, Note 1, house, Present 2, icon 1, Printer 2, Note 2, icon 2, Pen, Radio, Phone, Restart, icon 3, Picture, ring, icon 4, icon 5, Ruler 2, Plus, Puzzle, Sale 3, icon 6, Sand Clock, Radio Button, icon 6.001, Settings 2, icon 7, Revoler, Settings 3, Ruler, icon 8, Share Cloud, icon 8.001, ScreenShot, Settings, Shop 3, icon 9, icon 10, Share, Shorts, SnowFlack, icon 11, Sound (Full), Sound img, Socket Plug, icon 12, Speedometr, Spidometr 2, icon 13, Sun, Spider, icon 14, T-shirt, icon 15, Star, Tick 3, Star 3, icon 15.001, icon 17, Umbrella 2, Tablet, Vallet 3, icon 18, Timer, True, Veiw, icon 19, icon 19.001, Zoom 2, UnLocked, Value, icon 20, icon 21, View, icon 23, Warning, icon 24, Web, Writting Pen, icon 25, Zoom, key, kurasasn, letter, letters, link, liquid, lock, magic stick, mail, map, message, message icon 1, message icon 2, micro, money, monster, mountains, mucics disks, music, notes, opened letter, paint, paper plane, pen, person, phone, phone holder, picture, pie chart, pie chart quater, pizza, plane, plus, present, present 2, present 3, preson 2, printer, printher, pulsar, radar, rain, recycle, reload, sale, setttings, share, shirt, shopping, shping busket, sigar, skirt, skull, smartwatches 1, smartwatches 1, snack, snack 2, special glasses, stand person, star, star (fill), subtiteles, t sahirt, tablet, tea cup, team, thunder, tick, ticks, train, triangle, true cloud, vegetables, VR, VR 2, warning, women avatar, xmas tree, zoomIMPORTANT:•Its 3D icons NOT 2D , Do not include any Textures , PNG , JPG and other 2D formats!!!•Average polygon count per Icon(model): 460 - 480.