Gen05_PineTrees01Gen05_PineTrees01A New Gen05 pack PineTrees01.17 New Pine Tree MeshesLODs created and includedLightmaps CreatedColliders GeneratedCreated with Unity 6.0 using the Built-In URP shaders27 Texture Maps Including AO, Diffuse, Height, Metalic and Normal, ranging from 1024x1024, 1024x2048, 2048x2048Created in Unity 6.0 editor using built-in URP, can be converted to other pipelines, see our Monitored Forum Here.Gen05_PineTrees01Tris: 4.5k - 19k (LOD0)LOD's 01-04 (billboard) on each model19 Materials in URP, 17 are Billboards.For details of how to swap Pipelines, see our Monitored Forum here..