Step into the future with the Ultimate Hologram Shader! This powerful shader offers the ability to create breathtaking holographic effects, ideal for all your high-tech needs.🚀 Ultimate Hologram Shader for Unity 🚀Bring your 3D models to life with the Ultimate Hologram Shader! Create stunning futuristic, high-tech, and glitchy holographic effects with full customization. This shader includes a wide range of features such as scan lines, glow effects, rim lighting, and even a glitch effect for added realism and excitement.For a list of features, see Technical Details🔲 Main Texture (_MainTex):The base texture used for the hologram effect. Can be any texture, typically something that defines the object's material properties.🔲 Base Color (_BaseColor):A customizable color applied over the texture. This will multiply with the main texture's color, giving you full control over the hologram's overall appearance.🌟 Hologram Color (_HologramColor):Sets the primary color of the hologram's glowing effect. This can be used in combination with the main texture to enhance the visual style.⚡ Brightness (_Brightness):Adjusts the intensity of the overall hologram. Use this to make your hologram brighter or dimmer depending on your scene's needs.🔲 Alpha (_Alpha):Controls the transparency of the hologram. Use this to create more or less transparency, which is especially useful for faded or semi-transparent holograms.💡 Rim Color (_RimColor):The color of the rim lighting, which enhances the edges of the object to give it a glowing, high-tech feel. Often used to simulate fresnel lighting effects.🌐 Rim Power (_RimPower):Controls the intensity of the rim lighting effect. The higher the value, the sharper and more pronounced the edge glow will be.🔦 Scan Tiling (_ScanTiling):Determines how many scan lines appear on the hologram. The greater the value, the tighter the lines will be. A key element in creating a high-tech, scanning display effect.🚀 Scan Speed (_ScanSpeed):Controls the speed at which the scan lines move across the surface. Use negative values for reverse motion, adding further customization to the animation.✨ Glow Tiling (_GlowTiling):Determines the frequency of the glowing effect, similar to scan tiling. It controls the speed and number of glowing pulses across the object.🌟 Glow Speed (_GlowSpeed):Adjusts how fast the glow effect pulsates. Higher values make the glow move quicker, creating a dynamic and futuristic look.⚡ Glitch Intensity (_GlitchIntensity):Introduces a dynamic "glitch" effect where the object's vertices shift unpredictably. The higher the value, the more intense the glitch effect will be, creating a distorted and futuristic malfunction effect.📱 Flicker Texture (_FlickerTex):A control texture for alpha flickering effects. This texture can be animated or adjusted to make the hologram appear to flicker, simulating faulty displays or adding a lively effect.🌀 Flicker Speed (_FlickerSpeed):Controls the speed of the flicker effect, which can make the hologram appear to turn on and off rapidly. The higher the value, the faster it flickers.