3D model asset pack containing 60 underground cave/mine props for your project or game's scene.Great for prototyping / making games.Contains 3 Example scenes of how you can layout your level. (Example scenes are only a suggestion of how the objects can be positioned and should be adapted to the targeted hardware)Objects: Big Wooden Pillar, Black Gate, Can, Crushed Can, Rock Ceilings, Crates, Crystals, Hard Hats, Metal Barrel, Mine Tracks, Pickaxe, Pipes, Scaffolding, Sign, Skull, Standing Lights, Wall Lights, Vault Door, Rock Walls, Wooden Planks, Wooden Pole, Rocks, Stairs.3D Object Format: .OBJTexture Resolution & Format: 1024 x 1024 .PNGMaps: AlbedoModel Poly Count (p):BigWoodenPillar = 26pBlackGate = 192pCan = 30pCan Crushed = 43pCrate1 = 98pCrate2 = 98pCrystals = 112pHardHat1 = 96pHardHat2 = 124pMetalBarrel = 150pMetalTrackPillar = 180pPickaxe = 97pPipe1 = 42pPipe2 = 66pPipe3 = 60pPipe4 = 84pRock1 = 28pRock2 = 31pRock3 = 44pWoodenPole = 30pRockCeiling1 = 64pRockCeiling2 = 64pRockWall1 = 96pRockWall2 = 96pScaffolding = 148pSecretDoor = 6pSign = 14pSkull = 101pStandingLight = 244pTracks1 = 20pTracks2 = 56pTracks3 = 56pTracks4 = 56pTracks5 = 56pTracks6 = 97pTracks7 = 97pTracksPlank = 6pTracksStop = 82pTreasureHolder = 128pVaultDoor = 90pWallLight = 13pWoodenPlank = 6p