Gen05 Fir Trees 01
A Pack of different aged Fir Trees to add to your collection.Meshes are FBX, Textures PNG.To convert to other Pipelines, please use our Monitored Forum Link HereGen05FirTrees01A Pack of varied Age Fir Trees. Created using the Gen05 workflow to prevent duplication and Multiple layer seeding.14 Unique Fir Tree MeshesTexture maps, including Diff, Normal, AO and HeightWorks with the URP built-in to Unity 6.0 Editor, out of the box. Can be converted eaisly to other Pipelines (see our Monitored Forum Link).LOD's included.Colliders and Lightmaps all created.Various Ages of Maturity.Created in Unity 6.0 EditorGen05FirTrees0114 Unique Meshes, 14 Prefabs23 Textures including Billboards for LOD041024x1024, 1024x2048, 2048x2048Meshes = 1.5k - 9.9k Tris rangeUV mapping, LightMapping, Colliders.LOD0-LOD4 included.Vertex Coloured to work with Wind.