A set of basic scripts that will be needed by any starting person, which doesn't know where to start or just finished the junior pathway on Unity learn.Future goal: make a full solution, so even new people won't need to code, for walking simulators at least or use visual scripting for simple projects, keep the simplicity inside, so when the person is ready to dive, he can look through small well commented scripts.---Does not contain character controller, there are plenty around and it goes above basic amount of code lines.Does not contain any complex Design Patterns, which can scary novicesA pack of scripts (~20), each under 100 lines of code.Contains PDF documentation, which explains some stuff (not every step, though).Potential issues when modifying code inside:Tasks without null checks on error can set for e.g. isKinematic to false and you will be wondering why your set upped scene is wrong, it is because Task changed state of object in editor, when was giving errors if there is no null check (RigidBody in this case).A documentation that isn't is just a table with list of variables (mostly)Name Modifier for Editor Hierarchy - Get an ability to bulk delete name parts and add prefix, suffix.CollisionSoundHandler - Get a randomizing script if the budget is 1-2 AudioClips on entire projectBunch of timers to toggle gO's and its components, including async version.LightFlicker to make that spooky horror lamps flickeringOutput camera to a material and put in on a quad/plane, customize resolutionTriggers to load scene or UnityEvent to do basic manipulations with your GameObjectsYou can load scenes like its 2000's! With ThreadSleep() or a bool check in TriggerDraggable panel for UI with protection from out of bounds, darken text OnPointerEnter()A UGUI toggle prefab with Text Mesh Pro! WOW!And more! (Probably not)Starts:Make an explosion in your instantiated objectLock your cursor on game startTarget your framerate to prevent overloadsYou can skip what is below, main rule (learnt in Blender API), especially not in Unity C#:1. Always give previous code, then give the fixed AI code to AI again, so he won't forget what to fix next/improve, lose parts.I gave it prompts and it gave me a script that I still need to fix and add namespaces, with hallucinating if you don't correct him every time with additional prompts and adding some contextual prompts because of everything getting deprecated in newer Unity versions.It usually started like "make me a script to throw boots at the wall. Try your best". Even when I created a context prompt with "Only code, only comments, no explanation".Making this applicable for the asset store took me 3 days (21h) than to just get the working good enough variants underhood, for just an 1 hour (if I knew the list of scripts already) and keep it for myself.( Experimented making the same from scratch after finishing this asset and gave it "best" "rename on need" in prompt, I got the same goals scripts with even more code (-4, the similars got into 1 couple'o times), each is 200+ lines of code mess, except 3.(Okay, tested, the first is okay (Collision sound) but 4 already (each 200+ ln's) is buggy, so probably all other are like that).Took 54m, excluding opening Unity, creating folder for them. So my assumption was almost correct (because of "best" that made it do 200+ lines with bugs, probably would be okay if didn't juice it over 100+ lines, though some concepts're good enough but need fixing). )P.S. I didn't do the PublicFloat, though