14 old, rusty hand tools, with a bloody variant.Whether you need them as set dressing, for their actual purpose or as reliable weaponry, these rustic, hand forged tools would be at home in any farming, survival, horror, medieval, western or world building game.They may be a bit rough, with their slightly rusty wrought iron blades and weathered wood handles, but the edges and pointy bits are sharp and well maintened.All come with a clean and bloodied up version, and four LODs.Full list of tools included in the technical details below.Number of textures: 8Texture dimensions: 4096x4096Number of materials: 2Number of meshes: 14Number of prefabs: 28Triangle count (min/max):Axe: 138/1106Ballpeen Hammer: 188/1504Crowbar: 82/656Double Bitted Axe: 118/948Hay Hook: 108/878Hoe: 138/1110Mattock: 152/1218Pickaxe: 152/1220Pitchfork: 104/838Scythe: 339/2733Shears: 242/1944Shovel: 194/1556Sickle: 102/824Sledgehammer: 152/1220LODs: 4 per meshUV mapping: YesRigging: NoMaterials: PBR/Autodesk Interactive