The pack contains 5 buildings - lumber mill, windmill, smelter, quarry and mine (total of 35 unique meshes).Building models meshes are separated to allow animations, some simple example animations are included.For more info open technical details down below.Textures:Single color palette texture (256x256).Lumber Mill:Lumber mill building - 12 338Wood logs - 1066Two-handed saw in a log - 1042Circular saw - 528Wood planks - 413Axe in stump - 320Stool - 330Windmill:Mill building - 13399Mill sails - 1631Mill door - 692Pallet - 715Sack - 249Smelter:Smelter building - 6791Smelter fire shutter (left and right) - 150Smelter fire - 14Ore crate - 898Bellows base - 687Bellows - 429Bucket with water - 674Wood logs (2 variants) - 528Anvil - 235Blacksmith tongs - 192Hammer - 150Quarry:Quarry main building - 16198Quarry door - 648Crane base - 356Crane beam - 691Crane hoist platform - 438Crane hoist platform rocks - 202Crane beam rope - 42Crane hoist rope - 16Rocks - 1031Ladder - 320Mine:Mine main building - 7868Mine lights (separate mesh for mine lights emission setup) - 32Mine cart body - 2264Mine cart rocks - 278Mine cart wheels (front and rear) - 276Pick axe - 262