Bring Your Game's UI to Life." A B O U T "Book UI V1 is a delightful pixel art UI asset that turns your game’s interface into a magical, storybook-like experience. It’s filled with charming elements like title boxes, smooth sliding bars, and decorative content areas that bring your world to life. Think of it as the perfect way to display quests, chapters, or any kind of text in a captivating, organized way.With colorful bookmarks and intuitive designs, Book UI V1 adds a touch of fantasy to your game, making every detail feel enchanting and memorable.“Bring Your Game's Story to Life.”" F E A T U R E S "Book and Page AnimationIconsBookmarksInscriptionBoxesTitles and Underlying Text BoxesAdd Ons ( Stuff you saw on the Pictures )Number Of Sprites : 100+Animated : YesAdditional : Pixel BasedSpirtesSize: 16x16