EventBus for Unity is a robust, user-friendly event system that decouples game components and logic, enhancing modularity and scalability in your Unity projects.No matter what type of game you are writing -- good coding practices will get you much further when finishing your game. Buying this asset ensures you get a solid implementation of the EventBus pattern with good support in case you need any help or modifications done.Features:- Automatic Listener method registration (no more memory leaks!)- Customizable listener method registration- Ability to run certain listener methods before or after others via a dependency system- Async usage supported via UniTask- Static listener methods- Usage outside of Monobehaviours- Dynamic listener registration- Extensive documentation, offline and online- 10 diagnostics to guide you when coding to avoid common gotchasDocumentation | Discord for supportFeatures: Flexible EventBus pattern using source generationSupported OS: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, LinuxLink to documentation: https://kiwistudios.github.io/EventBusForUnity-docs/