This motion asset pack contains 12 “3D animation files of Bow daily expression”, captured by professional actor. videoMotion capture was conducted using 24 Vicon cameras and Manus finger-tracking gloves,and a professional animator has completed all post-production work such as retargeting and polishing, ensuring a high-quality motion experience."—————————————————♦︎ Description ♦︎—————————————————Number of Assets : 12Length per Asset : 5~30 secMocap Equipment : 24 Optical Motion Capture Cameras (Vicon) & Motion Capture Gloves (Manus)Finger Accuracy: Very HighActor : Professional Actor————————————————♦︎ Animation List ♦︎————————————————01_DeepBow02_HandsTogetherBow1503_HandsTogetherBow4504_AttentionBow1505_AttentionBow4506_AttentionBow9007_KneelingBow1508_KneelingBow3009_OneHandGreeting10_WaveHandsUpward11_Namaste1512_Namaste45—————————————————♦︎ Info ♦︎—————————————————XSTAGE Asset User Guide12 animations