Unity C# attribute for serializing component and interface references within the scene or prefab during OnValidate, rather than using Get Component* functions in Awake/Start/OnEnable at runtime.Features 🔥Supports all MonoBehaviour and Component types (basically anything you can use with GetComponent), plus interfaces!Determinate results, so there's no worry of Unity forgetting all your serialised references (which has happened to me a few times on upgrading editor versions). All references will be reassigned automatically.Fast, this tool won't slow down your editor or generate excessive garbage.Fully serialised at edit time, so all references are already available at runtimeAttributesSelf looks for the reference on the same game object as the attributed component using GetComponent(s)()Parent looks for the reference on the parent hierarchy of the attributed components game object using GetComponent(s)InParent() and ignore selfSelfOrParent looks for the reference on the parent hierarchy of the attributed components game object using GetComponent(s)InParent()Child looks for the reference on the child hierarchy of the attributed components game object using GetComponent(s)InChildren() and Ignore selfSelfOrChild looks for the reference on the child hierarchy of the attributed components game object using GetComponent(s)InChildren()Scene looks for the reference anywhere in the scene using FindAnyObjectByType and FindObjectsOfTypeAnywhere will only validate the reference isn't null, but relies on you to assign the reference yourself.has an extention for Odin Validator.