Just a cute kitten in a box with various skins, animations, and blend shapes.The demo scenes and materials use my Cel Shader, but the 3D models and textures in this package can be used with any pipeline.🎮Check out the live web demo here.🎁 This package is now included in the Neko Legends - All 3D & VFX Bundle📦The demo scenes will not work unless the free Shared Assets Demo dependency is installed.✨The materials used are from my Neko Legends - Cel Shader. However you can swap it out to something else so that it won't show up as solid pink.🎶Is not included in this package. The music set being used is called "Cat In a Box", which will be available later, and also included in the All Music Bundle 1.This model is much easier to animate (compared to Mew) since it only has 3 bones, the head, spine, and body. However, because it is much simpler, it is designed for the cat to be inside some container. An example usage can be seen in the mini game: Pumpkin-Mischief Fur Pattern Textures- Black, White, Cream, Damaged, Tuxedo, TigerAnimations- hide, hideIDle, idleLookForward, idleLookLR, idleLookUD, idleSneakFromHide, idleSneakFromUp, sleepingPrefabsNekoInABox - Eye Narrow Look LRNekoInABox - Happy TuxedoNekoInABox - Idle ForwardNekoInABox - Scratchy In CardboardNekoInABox - Sleepy TigerNekoInABox - Worried and PeakingBlend Shapes00-eyeNarrow,01-eyeShine,02-eyeAngryLeft,03-eyeAngryRight,04-eyeSadLeft,05-eyeSadRight,06-eyesLookLeft,07-eyesLookRight,08-eyesLookUp,09-eyesLookDown,10-eyesCloseLeft,11-eyesCloseRight,12-smile,13-armsDown,14-armsIn,15-earsInLeft,16-earsInRightPolygon CountCat - 3188 trianglesBox - 864 trianglesBox Top - 2764 trianglesBox and Fur Pattern Texture ResolutionMain Texture - 1024x1024Textures are AI generated