This expansion pack enabled you to perform seamless scene transitions like AAA sci-fi titles! It supports multi-scene jumps and also works with the SSC Ship Warp Module.To install the HDRP and URP packages, go to the SRP folder and look at the readme file.This is an expansion pack for Sci-Fi Ship Controller (SSC is sold separately in the Unity Asset Store). So, you’ll first need to own Sci-Fi Ship Controller before you can install and use this expansion pack.Wave goodbye to loading screens.You can customise your scene transitions and even move your player ship and other objects between scenes at runtime!You can configure jumps without code in the editor at design time, and/or configure and engage jumps using our APIs in your game code.Full documentation and source code included.Compatible with Unity 2021.3.10+, 2022.3.24+, and 6.0.Requires Sci-Fi Ship Controller 1.5.2 or newer.This asset uses demo textures and sounds under Creative Commons CCO Universal License; see Third-Party_Notices.txt file in package for details.Demo Scenesscsm\sscxpack2\jump1startscenescsm\sscxpack2\jump2startsceneOther scenes are support scenes loaded from the demo scenes above.Before running the demos, add the scenes to the build settings in the correct order.See demo setup readmefirst.txt in the demo folder for more information.NOTE: You MUST purchase and install Sci-Fi Ship Controller BEFORE installing this package.Other compatible products by SCSM:Sci-Fi Ship ControllerSSC Expansion Pack 1Landscape BuilderLB Enviro Pack 1Sticky3D ControllerBundles AvailableLandscape Builder and Sci-Fi Ship ControllerLandscape Builder and LB Enviro Pack 1SSC Seamless is also known as SSC Expansion Pack 2 or SSCXPack2 for short.The content is included in the scsm\sscxpack2 folder. We recommend leaving it in the default location.Key features include:Seamless transitioning between scenesAbility to move player ship between scenesAbility to move player camera between scenesAbility to move gameobjects between scenesBe notified at certain points during a scene transitionPlanet Approach systemPlanet Descent systemSupport for BiRP, URP and HDRPCodeless or code configurationCompatible with Ship Camera Module or standard Unity cameraCall the SSC APIs via Events you can setup in the editorCall your own or 3rd party APIs via Events in the editorFade in or out a scene